What is Fast-A-Thon?
[one_half_last]In the tradition of fasting, Islam on Campus wants you to fast for an entire day on October 9th. That’s right. No food and no water- from sunrise to sunset- all to help the needy. For every person that pledges to fast, IOC will raise money to donate to Islamic Relief USA and Radiant Hands.
But don’t worry! When the sun sets on October 9th, you are invited to break your fast at a huge international feast in the O’Connell Center- for FREE! You are welcome to dine with us even if you do not pledge to fast.
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[/one_third] [two_third_last] Yaser Ali, is a recent graduate of law at UC Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law. Prior to attending law school, Yaser earned his Master’s degree in education from Harvard University and a Bachelors degree from the University of Florida, where he was inducted into the University’s Hall of Fame upon graduation. Yaser’s training in both the secular and classical Islamic traditions has provided him with numerous opportunities for leadership in the Muslim community.
He’s a Hafiz, former president of IOC, gives khutbah in different masaajid, and is currently studying a student of Islamic jurisprudence.[/two_third_last]
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How to Donate
By Cash:
All cash donations can be given to Islam On Campus Treasurer, Faisal Malik, or the President of Islam On Campus, Sohaib Ahmed. Their contact information can be found on the Contact Us tab at the left.
By Check (Tax Exempt):
To Islamic Relief USA:
Please make checks payable to: “Islamic Relief USA”
and in the memo/for section please write: Fast-A-Thon
To Radiant Hands:
Please make checks payable to: “Radiant Hands”
and in the memo/for section please write: Fast-A-Thon
To the Fast-A-Thon:
Please make checks payable to: “University of Florida”
and in the memo/for section please write: Fast-A-Thon
Or you could choose to donate using paypal. In the comments, please indicate which charity you wish to contribute to.
If you have any questions or concerns about your donation please do not hesitate to contact: Faisal Malik at treasurer@islamoncampus.com.
May God reward you and your family with the greatest success in this life and the next!
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Sponsor Us!
Contact us if you and your business are interested in sponsoring this excellent cause!
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Contact Us
Sohaib Ahmed
Faisal Malik
Amira Malik
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