Meet and Greet | Sisters’ Potluck | Sisters’ Event
This event is for a whole bunch of cool people to meet some other cool people so they can have cool events for the rest of the year. Bring a dish, friend, and your least awkward people skills and inshallah we will have an awesome time. Also note that the event time has been moved to 8 pm.
Being Nice to Each Other
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah, Hope you guys are doing well! This is gonna be the first official halaqah of the year, so you don’t want to miss out! Special welcome to all the freshies/transfers! There’s gonna be a super legit talk by our very own Usman Ehsan. For those of you that don’t know Usman, he’s a UF alumnus/IOC legend. Afterwards there’s gonna be some major chillin’ happening. I know what you’re all thinking “is there food?” Yes of course! Wouldn’t be a halaqah without free food! RECAP Location: Grantwood Apartments #121 Speaker: Usman Ehsan Topic: Being nice to each other FREE FOOD AND CHILLING!! RIDES WILL BE ARRANGED. Comment below if you need a ride. No vistor parking needed. The gate code is #1600. You may have to do…
IOC 1st General Body Meeting
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="663" class=" "] IOC 1st GBM[/caption] We hope summer and Ramadan have been amazing for you all. It's time to get back to school and get to learning. In order to start semester off just right, our first General Body Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 9th at the Reitz Grand Ballroom Salons D and H. Doors open 6:30. Start the semester off right with us, insha'Allah (God Willing)! For more details visit the Facebook page
Brothers’ Meet and Greet
How has the new school term been so far? Hectic? Fun? Join the brothers at Apartment 2203, Gainesville Place Apartments for the Brothers' Meet and Greet. Good food, mafia, X-box and just lots of fun to drain of the toxins accumulated in the first few days of the school year. For more details, get in touch with the brothers' coordinator at bro.coordinator@islamoncampus.com.
By Zulkar Khan Several summers ago, a neighboring family friend had a hemorrhagic stroke while late in her pregnancy. Her son was a close friend of mine. I vividly remember one late afternoon, when after dropping off some food at their house, I saw my buddy lying on the sofa. He just stared blankly at the wall; his eyes had run out of tears by then. I had no clue what he was enduring. I just avoided him until school started. A few years later, tragedy struck closer. My dad was hospitalized for jaundice and during one of my hospital visits, the diagnostic team rolled into the room. A physician asked if I was eighteen yet, and when I replied in the affirmative (“barely”), he solemnly told us that my…
Nothing but Clay
-By Sumrah Iqbal “A barrier is formed within my mind, The serenity of peace I cannot find. Doubts come together, brick by brick. A wall is formed – my heart is sick. Slowly caution slips away. Slowly I forget I am but clay. A void is formed, Its silence so deep. I begin to shiver – for I cannot weep. But the moment I step outside that door, Suddenly the tears I cannot control. The sight that greets, me humbles me, The beauty of nature, of Allah, I can see. The force of the wind chips away at the wall, The bricks begin to crumble, And they begin to fall. Nature’s music allows me to hear, And the sun allows my sight to clear. Suddenly my heart takes a breathe,…
Finding a Way Back
-By Maleeha Babar When we are young, there’s an enthusiasm for life, a zest that paints all of our actions. Exploring the world, finding out all the beauty it contains is an adventure that we look forward to every day. We possess curiosity and creativity, vigor and joy. We look forward to talking to other children, sharing with them and connecting. There’s life within us. When we make a mistake, it’s serious. When we do something good, it matters. When someone hurts us, it actually hurts. At the deepest level, we understand the miracle that life is. Yet, as we grow older, that very same spirit begins to wane as we enter the “real world”. We are subtly told that the lifeless homes we see, the race for money, the…